This is the new E-Learning Website. We decided to revamp it to better reflect the changes and growth of the e-learning space and highlight changes, new ideas and solutions.

This site will help providers of e-learning services as well as consumers of these services make better decisions on whether using online training and e-learning might be viable options.
The benefits of e-learning go beyond simply reducing costs or even improving productivity. I believe a cultural shift to making learning and self-improvement a core business imperative will enable any organization to thrive in today’s hyper competitive business environment.
How do companies like Google, Zappos, Apple, Facebook and many others continue to maintain such a high level of productivity and return on investment? How come these workplaces are consistently voted best places to work? I believe it is because employees today are demanding more than a paycheck. Folks want to improve their personal and professional profiles and learning and e-learning have a vital role to play in this. Developing a learning culture is important in these companies. Shouldn’t your company do the same?
In the e-learning space, it can be overwhelming with the sheer volume of buzzwords, technology and trends arriving each day. For industry veterans, this might not be a problem but for new comers or organizations looking to adopt e-learning, these can be downright scary. Words like learning management systems, or talent management systems or Tin-Can api or gamification or SCORM, or synchronous versus asynchronous learning can be terribly confusing. What is one to do with social learning, or articulate presenter or MOOCS (massive open online courses)?
The E-learning website will try to breakdown these terms and bring you actionable steps and advice on how to get into and benefit from e-learning.